Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 2011

Let me first comment on the wonderful Joy Group Dinner we had at the beginning of the month. Retired Greeneville police officer Stewart Kilgore came and spoke to everyone there about ideas and things to notice out in public and at home to help with safety. I wish I could say we live in a town where there is no violence, but that just isn't the case; and it pays to be deligent to protect one's family and self.

Also, those that attended the Joy Group trip to the seafood restaurant in Elizabethton had a wonderful time and great food.

There has been some things that have taken place in the last month concerning my Interim Pastoring at Tacoma Church of God. At the beginning of the month they invited a pastoral candidate to come and speak. After meeting the gentlemen the congregation voted and asked him to come be their senior pastor; and he accepted. Brother Richard Ballard from Ohio will be coming in June to lead the congregation at Tacoma. I will continue to preach and teach for them until then.
I along with others are praying that the congregation of Tacoma will return to and become a church that will increase God's Kingdom and help change the commnunity they are in.

As for me, I am loving the opportunity to preach and teach; and serve both the group of people of God's Church - at First Church and Tacoma.

A servant of HIS!
John Deyton

Monday, February 28, 2011

February 2011

I have to say that February has been a pretty good month for me and my family. We finally got a month without a doctor's visit or some kind of sickness that caused us to have to go to the pharmacy to get some over-the-counter medicine.
As a matter of fact, we have felt so good lately that me and Eli got to go to the range and shoot our new guns, and we've even gotten some yard work done around the house.
Seems like with the weather breaking and temperatures rising; you just feel more energized, and just feel like getting out the house and doing something.

Back at the first of the month we had our monthly JOY Group Fellowship Dinner and we had a wonderful time with all those that attend these dinners. Since Valentine's Day is in the month of February we decided to play a little game called tell us how you met. It's a game where couples or an individual can reflect back and talk about how they met their spouse and what led up to them getting married.
We heard some wonderful stories; some were funny, some were sweet, and some were very interesting. It was wonderful to get to hear how some of these strong Christian followers met the love of their lives.

One thing that came to my mind while listening to those who told their stories; most of the individuals in that group were still married or maybe one of them has gone on the with the Lord.
But what impressed me the was the fact of how few of our seniors are divorcees. Maybe it's just a generational thing, maybe it's because they were raised up in a time where divorce was almost looked upon as a scandal (it was kind of look down upon) compared to today where it's just commonplace. It seems like people today can get married and if at some point they come to where they just don't like the other person much at all, they just get a divorce seems; like it's no big deal anymore.

But these people,(our seniors) the foundation of the congregation at Greeneville First Church of God; they are people who stuck together through the good times and the bad times of marriage, and now we get to see incredible examples - of couples who have loved each other and been married for 30 or 40 or 50 years. They have committed their lives to Christ and each other.
I just want to thank them for the example they have been and still are.

Also, the JOY Group took a special trip up to the Gray Fossil Museum, and got to see some of the amazing fossils have been found underneath the earth; followed by a wonderful dinner at the Cracker Barrel. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the trip and are looking forward to the next trip in March.

Finally, I would just like to say I truly enjoyed being back home this past Sunday morning the 27th. The congregation in Tacoma invited a pastoral candidate to speak Sunday morning and Sunday evening; and this allowed me and Heidi to worship with our brothers and sisters at first Church!

A servant of HIS!
John Deyton

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Year

Here it is a new year - 2011 has begun, and we've already went through the first month of this new year and I have to say it has been a crazy start for the new year. The weather has been rough with all the ice and snow, and the cold seems to make things just kind of dreary and drab; it just kind of dampens the soul.

Not to mention the fact that with the Interim Pastoring I've been doing in Johnson City it seems like time is just flying by. Between preparing Sunday school lessons, preparing sermons, preparing Wednesday night Bible studies and preparing events and activities for the Joy Group at First Church; I really have to watch my scheduling and make sure that I take the time to get those things done.
Because people are depending on me to provide those things for them. I love being used to the Lord, and I am not complaining, I actually enjoy the pressure of having to prepare certain things. There's just something about my nature that I work pretty good under pressure. But besides all that I really enjoy serving the Lord.

The only thing that comes to my mind and really is noticeable to me in the first month of the first year is just how fast time has went by. I mean, it seems like we just celebrated Christmas and New Year's is already gone and here we are with only 11months left in this new year; time flies!

Well anyways, the only thing that I really wanted to say on this blog was that things are going very good with the Interim Pastoring at Tacoma.
For the most part, the family is healthy and well, and I really just can't give the Lord enough thanks for all the blessings He's given to me and my family.

Before you know it this year will be over and we'll start another, but there can always be something exciting about this year; something exciting to happen each day, I just pray that it doesn't go by so fast that I don't notice and appreciate each day the Lord is giving me.

A servant of HIS!
John Deyton

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


As I set here at my desk in my house, I am surrounded by noise and things going on. Heidi is in the room watching tv(or in reality flipping the channels trying to find something to watch), Eli is in his room practicing playing his drums; then the phone rings and the noise from the washing machine can be heard from where I set.
But even with all this going on I can't help but say THANK YOU LORD!!! The tv is only flipping channels because the woman I love (and the one God gave to me) is turning the channels. The sound of drums banging is because my son (whom God blessed me with) is playing them. My house, my job, my possesions, every aspect of my life - all have been given to me by my incredible Heaven Father.

As we approach Thanksgiving Day - I pray we just stop at some point and think about all the things we each have to be thankful for. Most of all we should be most thankful for the gift of salvation; I know I am!

A servant of HIS!
John Deyton

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Joy Group Dinner & More

This past Thursday, Nov. 4th, we had a wonderful Joy Group Dinner in the Family Life Center at the church. It amazes me sometimes just how much effort and love our group puts into make food to bring to our dinners. For most of them I think it is representative of the love and effort they have put, into their servant hood to Christ, over the past several years.
Pastor Dale was our guest musician the past Thursday, and he did an awesome job; of course I didn't expect anything less, when one of God's anointed servants - serves. Pastor Dale also sang a song that I feel goes right along with what I was saying before; the song was "Thank You For Giving to the Lord" and I would like to thank all the people both present and past that unselfishly give of their time, talents, and fruit. Because of what people give - others receive and sometimes that means they are able to accept and receive eternal life.

I would also like to mention how moving the "Concert of Prayer" was Sunday evening. I really do not have words that are honoring enough to explain what I felt that evening. But I will say this - it was truly a blessing to be with brothers and sisters, my family, and BE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD!!

A servant of HIS!
John Deyton

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Question: do you ever just feel like there's not enough time in the day?

I have to say that the past couple of weeks I have felt like there just was not enough time in the day. Things of life seems to keep us so busy and at the end of the day we tend to look back and say, what did I accomplish? Or we say to ourselves -if I had more time I could have done this or that.
Personally I have felt lately that due to time restraints I have fallen short in spending time on important things. I feel I haven't given my wife enough of my time, I feel I haven't given my son enough of my time, I feel I haven't given my studies enough time, I feel I haven't given my Lord enough my time.
Sometimes I just get this overwhelming feeling of throwing my hands up and saying, "What else can I do?"

Well, before I get full speed on the pitty party train I have to say I've been talking to the Lord about this issue with time and he's given me a pretty clear answer! "Don't waste the time that you have."

Maybe for some of us it's not the fact that there's not enough time in the day, it's just the question are we using the time that we have in the right way?
Ephesians 5:16-17 (GW) "Make the most of your opportunities because these are evil days. So don't be foolish, but understand what the Lord wants."

A servent of HIS
John Deyton

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Answered Prayer

When God answers prayer, first we should be excited that our prayer was answered, but we also should be ready to give an account of how God has answered that prayer. It's not like we're trying to show off or trying to get people to think that we are so righteous that God takes care of us; but people who are in need, need encouragement and need to understand that God does answer prayers. So in light of my statement that when God answers prayer we should give an account, that's what I would like to do.
The thing is though about my answered prayer; the prayer that was answered for me was not a specific prayer that was being praying at a specific time for a specific need. Let me share what I mean.

Probably for most of us, we have a routine of praying each morning and in that routine of praying each morning we have prayers that we routinely pray for. I pray for such things as lost family members, I pray for guidance for myself and there are many other things that I mention every day in prayer.
One of those things I mentioned every day is that God would watch over and protect my family and me; I ask that He'd watch over Eli and Heidi while we're out about doing whatever. Sometimes these kind of prayers become routine and we can get to the point where we kind of say it and don't really think about. But I truly believe that even though maybe we don't think about it ourselves, God thinks about it and answers it too.

See, this past Saturday October 2nd started like many of our Saturdays here lately. That morning Heidi headed out to work, and me and Eli stayed home and got ready for his football game later that morning; and as I often do on Saturday mornings, I spent some time studying and praying. My prayer that morning was just like my prayer each day, but little did I know I would truly need this prayer answered.

About 1:30 PM, right at the end of Eli's football game, I received a phone call from Heidi. She was very upset, and I could tell right away that something was wrong. She had been in a car accident and was uninjured, but was very shaken up.
This is what I mean by my prayer being answered because as I do every morning I had prayed that morning that God would watch over Heidi while she was at work and traveling around town. And I thank the Good Lord above, that he did not ignore the same prayer I prayed many many times before. He answered it and He protected her; just as I had asked.
The damage to the car can be fixed, but my wife could never be replaced.
I just want to thank my Heavenly Father that he was right there and placed a hedge of protection around my wife; I thank HIM for answering my prayer.

A servant of HIS,
John Deyton